Tuesday 28 April 2015

 The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn
They say you never know the value of something until it is gone but It is not true, you just didn't know you could loose it. Some people don't realize how good their men or woman is until they are gone and with a NEW someone . Then they wanna act all emotional and wanna do things right. But once someone is over you and happy with a new someone , you are not going to get them back no time soon. Now you at home stressed out and miserable. All the one night stands with random people in the world can't take the place of ONE good man or woman. That's why when you have someone's attention you better cherish it and love them. Because it's a painful thing to see another person doing what you failed to do.


  1. At the end of the day all we have is each other so yah no matter how bad the situation we just need to hang in there and make things right. This is a very personal subject for me!
